Latest News
13th March 2023
Sign Language Week
Sign Language Week
This week is Sign Language Week! Here is one of our favourite Signed Songs for you all to enjoy. Performed by Deaf and hearing children.
9th September 2022
Rest in peace, Your Majesty.
26 December 2021
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
We are so saddened to hear about the passing of The Kaos Signing Choir's Global Patron Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A wonderful, truly kind man. He inspired us, and the whole world to treat each other with love, tolerance and respect. Rest In Peace.
Here is the song we recorded in honour of him at Abbey Road Studios.
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About Us

The Kaos Organisation is a Youth Arts Charity based in Haringey, North London. We run weekly workshops and holiday arts projects and regularly stage performances, concerts and multi-media projects created especially by and for young people. We also facilitate workshops for schools and youth organisations.
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The Kaos Organisation receives no formal funding and relies on voluntary donations.
Please click on the donate button which will take you to a secure Paypal donations page.
We are also registered for Gift Aid. Visit the Charities Aid Foundation site and find us on the "Find a charity and donate" search by using our Registered Charity Number - 1080310

UK residents can donate to by texting KAOS11 followed by the amount in £s to 70070.
For example, if you want to give ten pounds, you text KAOS11£10.
It's that simple!

Contact us if you'd like to donate directly, or support us by buying digital audio and sheet music downloads in our Shop.
Your help is greatly appreciated!